Sunday 23 August 2020

Reset and Factory Setting Default HC05 and HC06

(remove double quotes from AT command)

    To return HC-05 to mfg. default settings: "AT+ORGL"
    To get version of your HC-05 enter: "AT+VERSION?"
    To change device name from the default HC-05 to let's say MYBLUE enter: "AT+NAME=MYBLUE"
    To change default security code from 1234 to 2987 enter: "AT+PSWD=2987"
    To change HC-05 baud rate from default 9600 to 115200, 1 stop bit, 0 parity enter: "AT+UART=115200,1,0"

Most useful AT commands are

AT : Ceck the connection.
AT+NAME : See default name
AT+ADDR : see default address
AT+VERSION : See version
AT+UART : See baudrate
AT+ROLE: See role of bt module(1=master/0=slave)
AT+RESET : Reset and exit AT mode
AT+ORGL : Restore factory settings
AT+PSWD: see default password

Reset and Factory Setting Default

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